Is Your Photo Good Enough for Photo Canvas Prints?

by Leon Woodward

Photo canvas prints are great home decor – they are personalized. You can actually edit your photos to your liking and even insert a message into it.

But how do you know if your photo’s resolution is good enough to be printed on a canvas? Well, this would entirely depend on the size of the canvas that you want.

Resizing your photos

The rule of thumb is that the photo’s minimum resolution should be 72 pixels for every inch of the canvas size. This will allow you to see details of the photo clearly.

If the resolution is higher, all you have to do is resize the photo before you have it printed. If the resolution is a lot lower, you may want to go with a smaller canvas size or choose another photo.

If you insist on using the photo, it will lack detail because stretching it will blur the edges. This is a disaster for images that have sharp details and edges. When it comes to photo canvas prints, it is best to choose high-quality photos.

You can use any photo editing app to check how many pixels your image has.

Can you use an old photo for photo canvas prints?

It is common for people to want old photos to be transferred into the canvas as they are essential heirlooms or memories.

When you want to use old photos, you have to scan the photo in the highest resolution that your scanner allows. This way, any blemishes in the photo can easily be fixed or edited. The photo can be printed in any size you want.

Before you scan old photos, make sure you dust them off, so dirt and smudges will not appear in the scan. If there are creases in the photo, do not try to iron them out. They can be edited out by a professional later.

Hire a professional

If you are unsure about your scanning or want to add more to your picture, you can always hire a professional to do the editing.

Most canvas printing shops have an editor among their staff to cater to their customer’s needs. These editors know what they are doing and will tell you if an image will work for the canvas size that you want or not. They can also do the resizing for you if needed.

Can you edit your own photos?

Of course, you can! You can use filters, even use some apps that turn your photos into paintings, and have that printed on a canvas.

In fact, you will make things easier for the canvas printing business if all they have to do is print the image out on the canvas.

Just make sure that the image is the right size or has the right amount of pixels for the canvas size that you want.

Now that you know what is required from your photo to get it printed on a canvas, it is now time to go through your photos and see which ones you can use for photo canvas prints.

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